My first blog post should be more interesting

About 12 years after I first limped on to the internet with a Geocities page, I’ve finally gotten around to setting up a proper website. I’ve previously avoided writing a blog, based on the principle that it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Also, I’m idle. But I need a web presence for my professional life; and it would be a shame if posterity had to do without my lucid musings.

I had planned a more razzle-dazzle first post, but it took me longer than anticipated to write the software to convert the pawstrokes of a cat walking across a computer keyboard into intelligible English. And now Binky has written several posts, and my idle thoughts have gone unrecorded.

I shan’t update this part of the blog terribly often, I think, as my egomaniacal streak is not so large that I think the world needs to know the minutiae of my life. But I shall update periodically, reporting on my travels, and books I’ve read, and plays I’ve seen, since these are things I would probably like to have a record of myself.



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